"Do your famous James Mason impression"
8 May 2018
Jennifer O'Neil becomes the latest victim to the strange customs of Sicily when she takes up a teaching job in one of its rural towns. She doesn't even make it off the bus before being harassed by some sleaze-ball and finds that the townsfolk don't even bother lifting a finger when the man continues to harass her in town.

Her landlord seems like a sweet, if gossipy, old man. James Mason claims that his family used to be powerful in the region, but now he's reduced to just watching the world go by, even though he seems to know an awful lot about what's going on in town. It also helps that one of her fellow teachers is hunky Franco Nero, with his moustache and staring.

However, that creep keeps annoying her and one day his corpse is found sitting on a chair in the middle of piazza with a flower in his mouth. The police of course suspect Jennifer, who is enraged by such accusations. Then again, the townsfolk have totally changed their attitude towards her, now bowing and doffing hats to her in the street. She also somehow becomes a champion of the poor folk of the town, and their political voice. What's going on? And who's killing the people who go up against her? And why the flower?

Not quite a murder mystery, not quite a Eurocrime film, this is more of a strange puzzle that Jennifer O'Neil has to solve as the audience watches on. It's not terribly action packed but Jennifer O'Neil is pretty good as a strong woman who won't put up with anyone's crap, including Franco Nero. She switches from confused woman to a ball of female rage (and back again!) at the drop of a hat. Nero on the other hand is rather subdued, but I'm guessing that's down to the character he's playing. Mason of course is great as James Mason, all hissing English charm.

Although I enjoyed it, I'm not sure others will. It's kind of lacking in action and gore, and isn't quite arty enough to be off the wall. Fans of Franco Nero's arse will be pleased to note that his arse turns up in this one. So stop asking about his arse!
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