Gotham: A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups (2018)
Season 4, Episode 16
There's a brilliant, hidden message in this ep.
3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One or two seasons ago, there were people cursing the writers for "killing off" the Joker whereas I would question: "What makes you think he's dead?" Then Gotham fans were gushing (esp. on Facebook) when they thought Joker and Penguin would join forces in Arkham Asylum. In "Three Soups," we see a carefully crafted collaboration between Joker, Scarecrow, and the Mad Hatter which represents something very important.

Let's skip to the diner scene wherein the Joker, strangely and surprisingly, put himself in a compromising position wherein he is being held down by a big guy, then his "uncle" / diner proprietor pours an ultra hot bowl of soup into his mouth. What? No henchmen to help the Joker? He escaped from Arkham with plenty of Loyalists. Although we know he's a masochist who enjoys his pain, the moment is still questionable. In bursts, young Bruce: "Unhand that man and save him for the police!" Selina told Bruce in the previous ep. not to be a douche bag. I guessed that he was still brain dead from all his benders, but wait! Bruce gets into a fight with the big muscle guy at least twice his size in defense of the Joker! Therein, the Joker questions the irony of this. So do I! The writers must be trying to tell us something! In another scene, there are 1000's of Gothamites hypnotized by the Mad Hatter, poised and ready to step off a roof from a high rise at midnight. Bruce, as yet to be Batman, is supposed to be representing/defending them, but he's chosen to defend the Joker - to save him for Arkham Asylum via GCPD which loses control of and allows violent criminals to escape on a regular and continuous basis; Young Bruce is almost like the Adam West version of Batman. I half way expected to see "Pow!" "Wham!" "Zing!" cartoon balloons.

In pounces Young Selina to save Young Bruce with her trusty whip; she grabs the gun and attempts to do what is reasonable and logical in Gotham: To stop a psycho-killer before he kills anyone else. Thereupon, Bruce jumps Selina, stops her, then hovers over her on the floor in a prone position in a strangely romantic moment that he didn't deserve.

Then it occurs to me: All you people who complained that the Joker was dead "because he's so pertinent to Gotham," you're like those hypnotized Gothamites ready to step off the roof of a high rise. Why would you jump to the defense of a psycho-killer? Like Gordon said: "You have to save each other," because all we really have is each other - not the psycho killers, not the people who would drive us insane to kill ourselves.

I know there are those of you who won't be able to fathom "Three Soups" beyond the splattering of two people by a wrecking ball. For those of you with actual morals, ethics, and brains, you will find a real message here.
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