Gotham: A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups (2018)
Season 4, Episode 16
Great episode!
2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I really like the way that jerome is changing more and more in the Joker. He's absolutely a huge succes in the show. I'm a bit dissappointed about Scarecrow because in the first trailer of season 4 it looked like he was going to be the big deal in this season but he isn't.I still have big hopes for him tho. What I do like is the love hate relationship with Bruce and Selina and I'm looking forward what the future holds for them. The hole Barbara and Demons head stuff is a bit weird I think. I'm not so hyped for that. But I really liked this episode. I think Ben Mckenzie did a great job directing this episode and I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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