Review of 99 Women

99 Women (1969)
A sexy and arty thriller for its period
19 March 2018
Directed by future cult director Jess Franco, this is a restrained and commercial film that doesn't have much of his voice but all of his skill. This would be his most profitable box office global hit ever as it was made for producer Harry Alan Towers, a guy who got big locations, big international stars and big distribution. To be honest, this is mostly Towers' film, which isn't bad. Its melodramatic, easy to digest and has some softcore kicks.

This is considered the genesis of the Women in Prison film genre and quite a few writers claim there wouldn't be an Orange is the New Black without it. It establishes the archetypes like lesbianism, corporal punishment, evil wardens and big escape plans. Surely that stuff is lifted from male prison films, but whatever.

Jess Franco would remake and riff off of 99 Women many times and some of those films are more entertaining or at least more sleazy: Sadomania, Tropical Inferno, Women Without Innocence, Love Camp.
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