IMDb format issues
17 March 2018
Finally, DC puts out something watchable. No, seriously - this is like a freaking rare Pokémon, a DC film that does no make you feel like a freaking idiot for wasting your time watching it. Honestly, I am not sure if this movie is actually as great as I am making it out to be or if DC set the bar so low that I am overrating an lukewarm movie. Whatever, I am planning to read the comic it is based on and rewatch the film again because I am a hardcore fan but also a realist and I'm predicting Warner Bros being dumb enough not to reboot their cinematic universe for a least another year. Foolish executives are going to permanently damage the DC brand unless they give us a hard reboot - which is why REAL DC fans stopping paying to watch any DC movie years ago. Keep it up and save DC. I am sick of Marvel fans laughing at our movies.
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