Spielberg's Ultimate Adventure Movie
27 February 2018
Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first of the Indiana Jones trilogy and definitely the best. This movie redefined what an action adventure movie could and should be. After the epic Horror Adventure that is Jaws comes the epic action adventure, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. This movie easily deserves 10 stars for it's sheer innovation, directing, visuals, and entertainment ability. Here's why.

Harrison Ford is a perfect choice for the awesome hero, Indiana Jones. An archaeologist who dreams of fortune and glory, he embarks on an adventure to find the Ark of the Covanent and save it from the Nazis. Harrison Ford is perfect in this role and it's so refreshing to see a badass hero that everybody can root for simply because he's awesome and embodies everything we want from an adventurer. Every moment of him is simply cinematic gold and it makes him shine against everyone else, even himself as Han Solo. That's not to say that the supporting actors aren't great, they are, but he's the main character and he steals the show which he should.

Steven Spielberg really went out of his way with this masterpiece. The practical effects and stuntwork isn't just phenomenal, it's almost godlike! The action is jaw dropping in its awesomeness to the point where it almost doesn't even look like a movie, it looks like a portal into somebody else's universe: Spielberg's universe. What visual effects that are used are so good that it makes modern day action flicks look like stupid college projects that got F's. Michael Bay ain't got nothing on Golden Age Spielberg! Every scene screams with action and it just gets better and better all the way through but it never forsakes the story in place of action. Modern day directors need to take notes from this movie.

Once somebody watches this movie, you soon find yourself in a trance in which you can never get sick of it. Nobody can get sick of Indiana Jones, it's not possible. Go watch this movie and you will be very pleased. Or just listen to the Golden John Williams music, that works too.
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