It was alright but lackluster and forgettable.
19 February 2018
I have only seen this at least twice, and I find it alright at best.

I will say that I do like the concept about duel gun-fighting done this way, and since this was written and directed by the man who wrote "The Replacement Killers" I figured, why not check it out.

To my surprise, I find it entertaining enough but lackluster and forgettable at the same time, which is a shame because the concept is really cool.

I think the writer/director should have made this film way more fun because it just lacks in so many ways, like, their isn't enough character development, not enough story, too many inconsistency's in the story like why does the duel gun-fighting tournament exist, why dose John or Colt participate in the tournament, why isn't there more action scenes, why is the pace so slow, and why is the main villain only shown the last 9 minutes of the movie before it ends, among others.

Overall It's just alright at best but forgettable,and lacks in more than a few places.

I give it a 3/10. Not great but watchable, if you have nothing better to watch at least watch on a rainy day.
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