Batman Return of the Caped Crusaders: Goofy nostalgic fun
2 February 2018
I went into this wanting to like it, we're seeing the return of the original old school Batman complete with Adam West, Burt Ward & Julie Newmar!

Essentially this is an animated adventure based upon the original Batman television series and it's highly loyal and devastatingly nostalgic.

It's faithfulness to the original series however is in many ways its downfall as if you didn't like that very "Marmite" show then you will hate this as well.

Full of over the top goofy campy comedy, classic utility belt gags and villian designs we haven't seen in years I commend the creators for what they have done here.

Sadly I was never a fan of the original show, I didn't dislike it I just wasn't the demographic and always thought it was goofy for goofy's sake.

That being said for the fans of the show this is essential viewing and I'm highly impressed with what they've accomplished. RIP Mayor Adam West.

The Good:

Very nostalgic

Loyal to the original series

Excellent voice cast

The Bad:

Still goofy

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The fact we don't see the batzooka anymore is travesty

Drinking everytime the word bat is spoken would be a dangerous drinking game

Batman has a great Batchelor pad *Badamtish*

I don't understand why the eggman isn't a real villian!
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