Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
Attempts to educate FACT versus FICTION. Silly. Cringy. But VERY informative!!
31 January 2018
This show is getting bad ratings for the WRONG reasons, generally. It's a show about FACT versus FICTION. Does A cause B? Let's see. You want to know why this show is necessary? Because people are too uninformed. They are either gullible, or stubborn, or think they know more than (insert name). Maybe they don't "trust" science. Maybe that's because they don't "understand" science. This show attempts to fix that problem... and hence... save the world. Look at Polio... do you really want that to spread because you were too lazy/ignorant/stubborn/suspicious, to get a vaccine??

You don't have to believe in vaccines... doesn't change the FACT that they work... and the FACT that they don't cause autism. If you fail to vaccinate, you put everyone else at risk.

You can believe in "sound therapy", but that does NOT mean that some imbecile screaming at your belly is going to offer any kind of medical benefit.

You can believe in "alternative medicine", but that does NOT mean it works! None of it does. That's why it's called alternative. It's hocus pocus dreamland foolishness and nothing more than a way for people to profit off of people who are too uninformed to know they're being ripped off.

This show explains things to adults like they're children. That's a valid criticism. I cringe a lot watching it, but I'm rating it an 8/10 because it does a good job demonstrating FACT versus FICTION. The humor is dreadful (sorry Bill), but the information is incredibly valuable.

Wanting to convey THE TRUTH, doesn't make this "political", or "propaganda". Okay, so he only has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, so he's not worthy of being a scientist, right? WRONG. Want a definition of what that is?

"Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, and materials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines." - Wikipedia.

With that in mind, I hear people complain that he isn't a scientist, so what right does he have to tell us anything... this coming from people who often have no post secondary education, and whose education often times is, with all due respect, limited to flipping burgers and pouring coffee (I've been one of those people too, in years past). And for those who do have a degree, say in English (like myself), or Political Science, or History, or any number of others... what makes YOU more qualified to judge HIM?

The show is over the top ridiculous. I cringe regularly. BUT, I enjoy the information it provides. At least he is TRYING to make the world a better place, by spreading truth. What are you doing with your life, reader? What are YOU contributing to bettering the world? Before you judge, please think more critically before making such harsh accusations and assumptions.
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