Review of Fort Rozz

Supergirl: Fort Rozz (2018)
Season 3, Episode 11
Supergirl - S03E11 Fort Rozz
23 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Supergirl returned to what I thought was a solid return. While it wasn't anywhere close to the strength of some of the other CW superhero shows for that week, it was still quite good considering where this season has taken the show.

This episode was one I was mixed on. At face value, it was a nice team up episode that moved the overall plot forward a bit without pushing many boundaries. However, the way this episode came about brings my attention to one of the biggest problem I have with this show.

This problem has nothing to do with the show pushing forward female power. With the amount of series we have that are lead by male leads, it is nice to have something that is a little bit different. My problem however is when they remove the males from the show by using a reason that serves no purpose but to rule out the males. When The Flash had a female centred episode, they gave a reason why the males were out of commission and despite what you might think of the episode as a whole, the reason as to why the males were not present made sense in the context of the story.

Instead of going this route, the writers of this episode had to make it that Y chromosomes are bad and that Supergirl has no powers for them to get an all-female team up. While in the end I did enjoy this episode, there are many moments like this throughout this series where I take a step back and wonder why they decided to make a Supergirl show when they are constantly introducing strong male characters that they have to push to the side, or they are forced to depower Supergirl in order for them to match her up with the female characters they do have.

Moving into some positives I did have about this episode, I am liking how they are taking the overall plot. Firstly by introducing more world killers is something I am all for because I was worried about how they were going to handle the reveal that their friend Sam is the big bad. By introducing more villains to this season, it allows them to pull Reign out of the spotlight for a while and concentrate on another story arc they are playing out.

Which leads me to the other thing I thought this episode did well and that was set further ground work up that Sam has started to suspect something is wrong with her. In many ways this is a super-villain origin season for Reign, however if they find a way to spin it so that Sam has control, this could be a superhero origin season. As mentioned before, I don't really like how they can't make Supergirl a female driven show without being forced into removing the males. With Sam as a superhero who could side with Supergirl, we could finally have a female team up that allows all it's characters to be at their full potential.

Overall, a solid episode that pushes the overall story of this season into an interesting directions. The problems I had after watching this episode were more problems in traits of the overall series rather than the episode itself.

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