Batman Beyond Return of the Joker: Better than most
29 December 2017
I'm not familiar with Batman Beyond, it's on my watchlist but that's not saying much. My watchlist is rapidly starting to look like a phone number.

Set in the future revolving around Batmans protege we see the supposedly dead Joker return from the dead with a gang full of villian siblings. I expected the worst as I really don't like the futuristic setting but it actually isn't all that bad.

This multi-award winning critically acclaimed animated movie has a fantastic rock soundtrack and brilliant voice acting (Including Mark Hamill). It's well paced and a good watch all round.

Truth be told I don't see the unwavering acclaim being justified but it's certainly the best Batman animated movie I've seen for a while.

I really didn't like the payoff, the "Twist" felt cheap and highly unsatisfying. It's like they ran out of ideas and for me it really damaged the film.

Competent enough stuff.

The Good:

Weirdly awesome soundtrack

Mark Hamill

The Bad:

Not keen on the setting

Cutesy villians

Crappy twist

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I missed the Harley Quinn voice, shame on you Margot Robbie
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