Before there was a Private Benjamin.................................
13 December 2017
Before Goldie Hawn in Private Benjamin, before Rosalind Russell Waved At A WAC. there was Lana Turner in Keep Your Powder Dry. Ironically all three of these women played women of some social standing who for similar reasons join the Women's Army Corps.

Turner is a rather flighty nightclub loving trust fund baby who in the opinion of her guardians is just to irresponsible to control her own money. To show them her sense of responsibility Lana joins the WACs and this is also an act of patriotism as well. What could impress trustees more than being a patriot during World War II.

Her fellow WAC trainees are Laraine Day who is an army brat , daughter of General Henry O'Neill who is following a family tradition. The third is Susan Peters who reminds one a lot of Jennifer Jones in her role in Since You Went Away., the girl everyone wants to come home to. She has a husband in the service already and she feels this is the best way to support him.

Turner and Day are instant rivals, Peters is a good soul who is friend to both. Keep Your Powder Dry is essentially the story of their relationship dynamic and the changes in it.

Some others in the cast are Agnes Moorehead as a severe but understanding post commandant, Lee Patrick as a former vaudeville entertainer who becomes an army cook, and Jess Barker as one of Turner's idiot nightclub companions.

Another nightclub companion is Natalie Schaefer and you can see how in the next generation she could become Mrs. Thurston Howell IV. A really spot on performance.

Keep Your Powder Dry may have started as WW2 flag waver, but it holds up very well over the generations both as comedy and drama.
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