Genuinely Amazing and Compelling
29 November 2017
Mr. Charlie got Smith brings tears to my eyes every time I see his show. He is wonderful gift of healing is touching lives as traditional doctors have been unable to do. Not only is Mr. Goldsmith able to heal, he is able to open people's eyes to the reality that our world has more to it then we can see. Frankly I am amazed that the show is actually on television. It is phenomenally beautiful, positive, and real in a way that far supersedes any other "reality TV". Thank you, Mr Goldsmith, for taking the leap to put yourself in the broader public eye. your work is beyond any religious sect--it exposes the truths religions have long attempted to tell-- albeit often unsuccessful.

Great teachers have usually been healers. This healer is a great teacher in his own way.

i am so grateful on behalf of those who have received healing through this gift-- of course, especially the children. we were all children at some point, were we not? healing has a way of opening the eyes of the soul to new possibilities.

great documentaries-- definitely more than a "show". thank you to TLC and Mr Goldsmith!
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