The Devil Complex: Found footage with even less footage than usual
14 November 2017
The Blair Witch Project (1999) has a lot to answer for. Ever since its release we've been bombarded with found footage movies because of the seeming popularity and because they're insanely cheap to produce.

This British made one is set in Romania and revolves around a documentary film crew investigating the infamous Hoia-Baciu Forest. For those unfamiliar this is a forest within Transylvania that is well known for it's stories of ghosts, demons and ufos.

The first 3/4 of the movie is character establishment, when something finally happens it still doesn't. Truth be told this is less actual content or activity than Blair Witch, than Pararnomal Activity. By that I mean literally nothing happens.

It claims this is based on true events, yet again a lie. The forest is well known for stories, but no basis or evidence to support any of them.

One thing I found baffling is that the forest is well known for its central circle and distinct tree growth in some areas. They don't show any of this, why go all the way there and not film the two most impressive things within the forest? Forest, snow and some very unlikable characters. That's your lot.

The Good:

Fantastic setting

Based on something real and fairly interesting

The Bad:

Weird writing decisions

Nothing happens
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