Review of Big Rig

Big Rig (2007)
Lacked a Consistent Theme
10 September 2017
This documentary starts off with two truckers venturing an opinion that without those in their industry the entire American economy would grind to a standstill within three days. Although neither of them provided any economic research to support their contention their point was still quite compelling. From there the film then zeroes in on several truckers as they go about their business and provide us with personal insights on their daily lives. And it's the differences between them that cause this documentary to lose its overall focus as few of them share the same general concerns. For example, one female driver is so afraid for her safety at truck stops that she refuses to come out of her sleeper cab during the night. Meanwhile, another trucker has a woman in just about every town he stays in. But the person who really sticks out is the simpleton from Idaho who points to the Confederate flag on his dashboard and proclaims that it represented true "freedom" back in the day. Apparently, he didn't study history very well because, if he had, he would have known that under that same flag--which he proudly praises--were hundreds of thousands of slaves who were badly beaten and abused in the process. No doubt if they were alive today, they would gladly refute any ideas that they were living in "freedom". And if that wasn't bad enough, he then goes on to voice his displeasure at the current government and loudly advocates for a revolution to overthrow it. Never mind that he has no real idea of what to replace it with. Apparently, he hasn't quite thought that far ahead. Be that as it may, the really fortunate thing is that--although he has the freedom to voice his opinion--others also have the freedom to disregard it for the ignorant ravings that they truly are. Ironically, the next scene features a different trucker informing us of how "patriotic" they are. No doubt most are--but I would venture to guess he never met the guy before him. In summation, although this documentary does offer a unique perspective on the life of several truckers, it lacks a consistent theme which diminishes the overall effect and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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