The Roller Blade Seven: Offensive to the senses
4 September 2017
The Roller Blade Seven is a bizarre creature, it's a truly terrible film with awful production values yet features a host of famous names.

Set in a post apocalyptic world much alike the Mad Max (1979) universe, except there are ninjas, religion and everyone wears roller blades for some reason.

With audio that often sounds like it was recorded through a sponge, the same segments repeated, fight scenes that make Jerry Springers look like it's well choreographed and a story that makes no sense at all.

It's one of those films that has to be seen to be believed yet you don't want to put anyone through a film quite this terrible.

I award it 2 not 1 purely on the basis of novelty value but make no mistake it's the absolute pits.

The Good:


The Bad:

Laughable soundtrack that doesn't even remotely fit the content

Awful audio quality

Embarrassing fight scenes

Cringe inducing camera work

Scenes repeated several times

We really don't need to know each actors name as they appear on screen

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

It is a reverends job to distribute samurai swords and see that people skate the path of righteousness

Even in a post apocalyptic world religious garments look ridiculous

Our hero is so anti-mainstream expectations that in a Jacuzzi with your standard bikini glad girls he keeps his clothes on and kisses them like you'd kiss your mother

Wearing shades during the night STILL makes you look like a douche

Joe Estevez is the lesser known brother for a reason

Frank Stallone is the lesser brother for a reason as well

So roller skate ninjas are a thing

Being hacked to pieces with axes will result in no wounds and no blood
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