Very cute 80s rom-com
11 August 2017
Spielberg's the producer, Belushi's the star and Lawrence Kasdan of Star Wars fame is the writer. Its not the funniest film or the most exciting, but it is charming and builds to a very romantic ending. This is the most human and restrained acting that we ever got from Belushi and he would've been as successful as Bill Murray or Chevy Chase had he lived. You can totally see him prepping for those same goofy dad or romantic loser roles. You have to give a lot of the credit to his co-star Blair Brown who is very warm and believable throughout. I thought the script was a bit too cutesy and failed to have the zing of the Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn films its shadowing, but its still impressive as a story because the characters have chemistry. We spend most of the film with just two characters, but they don't become tiring. The film has the magic and sweetness you expect from Spielberg, but its not as visually interesting as it would be if he directed. I think the only thing dragging the film down was the directing which is very routine and almost TV quality. It would be ranked higher if it was more cinematic. But its a good movie and a bittersweet testament to the talent of a beloved young actor who died too soon.
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