Daredevil: Condemned (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
Not everyone deserves a happy ending
4 August 2017
What a great episode with Matt entirely in vigilante mode as Fisk tries to take out the Russians. Foggy and Karen also have a good episode as they deal with the aftermath as well.

Let's start with Matt, who is on the run with Vladimir, the Russians heavily injured leader. Matt continues to work with Claire, which also shows the great bond between the two, as Matt flirts with her while he is on the run. Matt also gets closer to Fisk as he gets Vladimir to tell him who his money man is, Leland Owlsley. This episode also shows the first meeting between Matt and Fisk, with it being through a walkie talkie. It was an incredible conversation as it shows the similarities and conflicting ideologies of the two of them. It was very strong, as Matt finally gets a sense of what Fisk wants.

Speaking of Fisk is was also not surprising but very game-changing that Fisk owns a large portion of the police as well as the media. This expanded on the power that Fisk has, not just in the criminal world.

Foggy and Karen also had a good episode as they helped their new client, Mrs Cardenas after the explosion. It also helped explore exactly how much Matt means to Foggy as he was willing to go out into a war zone to find his friend, even while being treated for a major wound in his side.

One really tiny thing about this episode that disappointed me is that there was no spectacular fight scene, even with Matt being his vigilante self in the entire thing. Sure, he had some but none that was like his hallway scene or rescue of Claire.

+ Matt and Vladimir on the run + Matt and Fisk's first conversation + Fisk's vast array of control and power + Foggy and Karen bond; Foggy's love for Matt - Wish there was more action

Final Score: 9.3/10
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