Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Very bland superhero vehicle
9 July 2017
The film is less of a Spider-Man movie than a Sam Raimi movie starring Spider-man and Dr Octopus... who curiously resemble Raimi IRL. The film is full of bad CGI, bad slapstick, wacky camera-work and flat teenage melodrama. It's "deeper" than the first in that it's full of tragic characters, but it cartoonish in its rendering. Its hard to care about anyone when the cast are all wooden, the directing is juvenile and the script is cliché. But, while overlong and completely idiotic, the film is a crowd pleaser: flashy, fast, loud and easy to understand. Sam Raimi is like the poor man's Spielberg or Zemeckis, which was in demand in the early 2000s. This film is a poor copy of Superman 2. Watch Superman 2.
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