Bugs Bunny fans will be SHOCKED to hear . . .
8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . their favorite hare yakking in the guttural tones of White House Pretender Don Juan Rump during this prophetic offering from Warner Bros.' prognosticators of (The Then) Far Future, that unparalleled Animated Shorts Seers bunch (aka, The Looney Tuners) during this Pre-World War Two offering, ELMER'S PET RABBIT. This brief cartoon begins with the mentor of Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin (as an Elmer Fudd dressed in Classic KGB garb) buying a young Bugs in a pet shop for 98 cents, reflecting how Putin's tutor recruited reform school teenager Rump for a couple copies of Mad Magazine (not every traitor holds out for 30 pieces of silver!). The remainder of ELMER'S PET RABBIT documents the sexual perversion inherent in the Rump\Putin relationship once the latter assumes the responsibility of being Rump's KGB controller (this switch is telegraphed when a noticeably younger Elmer dons a bathrobe, "I-Swim-Across-the-Volga-Daily" Putin's trademark gear). ELMER'S PET RABBIT will strike 21st Century Viewers as being right up to the New York Minute, even down to the strange Moments of Rump\Putin Bromance dominating Today's headlines (that is, July 8, 2017).
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