Good For A Few Chuckles
3 May 2017
If you enjoyed 'Return of the Killer Tomatoes', then this movie is right up your alley.

It's a fairly standard B-movie guys. Low budget. Bad acting. Asinine plot. Laughable production values.

All that being said, I found this gem of a flick entertaining for it's 98 minute run time. It had plenty of laughs and the CGI of the jumping and murderous donuts is hilarious to say the least. And people off-screen throwing the donuts to show them in pursuit? Brilliantly moronic.

I've seen B-movies that I had to stop after the first 20 minutes or so, they were too awful to watch even for the sake of trying to ironically enjoy a cheap movie. Not the case here. Sure it will never win any awards and is never destined to become a cult classic, but for this flick to remain fairly unknown is a pity. I, for one, was entertained.
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