Disaster L.A. (2014)
Do NOT believe any reviewer giving over a 4 star review.
30 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even believe anyone is calling this FRESH or ORIGINAL. As some have stated, this starts off as a rip off of Cloverfield. The party scene, getting to know the characters that will eventually bore you to tears with sob story after sob story, that eventually comes about with each new death.

And speaking of death scenes, all completely unnecessary as it appears, multiple people decide to stop, tell the others to run. They sacrifice themselves for absolutely no reason, because in the time it took them to stop and explain WHY they were going to sacrifice themselves, they could have run away.

Next rip off, lines, seemingly taken directly from ALIENS! The "What are we gonna do" taken from Bill Paxton's role, along with others from that scene. I'm surprised they didn't throw in Burke's line about building a fire and singing songs.

This film wasted more time on emotional depth, and honestly, these characters weren't worth caring about. Even from the first scene where the girl becomes a zombie, the people watching her attack the first victim are about as emotional over this as they would be at a restaurant when they hear a dish break in the kitchen.

Example: "What's that?" "Dish broke." "Okay, and you were saying ...?" It's all pretty much, "Oh well, who cares?"

Yet another Cloverfield plot rip off, the lead character, deciding he needs to make sure his ex is safe, and then we discover her new man is a douche. It gets worse and more unexplainable as the douche steals their car, and SOMEHOW, gets pulled out of it and killed. The most interesting part is how did this happen in a zombie breakout with what amounts to a handful of zombies?

It all boils down into a lot of going nowhere and doing nothing. I'd just say to watch it if you're a fan of seeing how bad a movie can be, and I'm not talking "So bad, it's good", I'm talking, so bad I'll never get that time of my life back.
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