The Honeymooners: A Matter of Record (1956)
Season 1, Episode 15
Please Play My Record-- No, Don't !
6 April 2017
Typically funny series entry. Ralph's got tickets to a hot new Broadway play. Alice would like to go but her mother's coming over instead. You can imagine the big boy's reaction to that. Anyhow, Mom comes over and routinely insults Ralph, and when Alice makes excuses Ralph kicks them both out. After 3-weeks solo in that bare-bones apartment he's going nutzoid. So Ed has him cut a record pleading with Alice to come back. Trouble is Ed mistakenly mails the first record where Ralph can't keep from insulting Mom, and now Alice is really peeved. So what's Ralph going to do besides murder Ed.

Highlight may well be where Ralph holds it all in while Mom peels off a list of big boy's shortcomings. Gleason was so good at stifled anger, his face almost exploding. Note the prominent TV in the Norton apartment, a sign of their prosperity; also, there's passing reference to the hit quiz show The 64 Thousand Dollar Question that had debuted to great fanfare that earlier summer (1955). Anyway, I thought Alice's behavior at the end was kind of a surprise. See what you think.
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