An Honest Review
1 April 2017
Scooby Doo meets Tron? At least that would have been a fun throwback to the New Scooby Doo Movies people my age grew up on...you know, the one that was still aired on TV in the 80s and introduced the latter part of Generation X to celebrities that they really only saw in Scooby Doo until Nick at Nite took off? Yeah, that would have been a great throw-back...

Instead you have, well, Scooby Doo with a Videodrome feel where he gets sucked into a video game and maybe it was an update of Jumanji and...really....

It just stank. I'm sure kids like it, but it wasn't Scooby Doo. It was awful and, honestly, the jokes never stuck and humor never landed.
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