Review of The Warning

The Warning (II) (2015)
Honestly, a nearly perfect, irredeemably AWFUL FILM
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly, as of this writing, there are 4 reviews of this "film" here on IMDb - 2 very much IMO spot on and 2 which I can only assume were written by shills associated with the project.

I am here to break the tie...Brace yourselves. The only ones who got it right were the 2 who felt as disgusted by this effort as I did. Here there may be spoilers, but really, if you've seen any kind of found footage horror film in the last 25 years, you have already seen this a thousand times before and, more importantly, a thousand times better.

Let's begin a brief dissection of the lowlights here: - First, this film is so bad that searching for it by its full title here on IMDb ("The Warning") actually yields NO RESULTS for it - clearly, even IMDb feels this film is so pathetic, that the only way to find this movie is to search by actor name.

  • Simple, totally derivative plots do not automatically make a film bad, so I am not slamming this film on that score. One sentence: prodigal daughter TV personality returns to Nowheresville, USA, enlisting two childhood friends in an effort to find the truth about rumours of Satanic activity in the region's woods. Sound familiar? It should because its essentially Blair Witch Project all over again. Keep that in mind as you read this...

  • Acting: I am historically very soft on films, usually trying my best to find some redeeming elements in even the very worst of efforts - people did spend time and effort in making movies. But here, the acting from the three main protagonists is just plain lousy. Unbelievable, beyond wooden, grounded in not a single shred of reality, and laughably terrible. Most notably cringeworthy is the performance from the actress playing "Angel" - I am sure she is a lovely person and I wish her nothing but the best, but in this film she is perhaps the most over-the-top, bad actress I have seen in quite some time. Of course, at least 50% of the blame for this must be directed towards the ...

  • Writing and Dialog: Bad performances are not always the actor's fault alone. Insipid writing and dialog usually share the blame and here it doesn't get much worse. Again, the character of Angel is simultaneously frustrating and stomach all the worst possible ways. Let's move on to...

  • Direction and Cinematography: All I can say is there was a complete absence of both here. On both scores, the production team surely said "let's just totally copy the original Blair With Project only let's change it to Satan worshippers instead!". Homages are fine. But outright duplication is another thing. What is really tragic is that despite having such a great film as their inspiration, the team here gets absolutely nothing right anyway. Any sense of mounting dread, impending doom and abject fear is drowned out by the aforementioned lousy writing and acting.

Truly, I have spent more time on this review than anyone should even watching this epically bad film. As for the twist ending? That doesn't even deserve mention as it is so horrifically bad and blatantly obvious.

As I said, I am usually very forgiving with my thoughts on films. Real people spent real time and real effort trying to make something. Unfortunately here, every single person's effort was a complete waste of time.

This film deserves a radiation warning tag on the box advising everyone to stay far, far away.

It's that bad. My own rating of "3" is probably too generous but that's about as low as I will ever go while still trying to respect the effort of those humans involved.

regards and Your Mileage Really Won't Vary with this one...
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