Need a Wife? Let your fingers do the walking.
9 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Working as a messenger/company rep I come across many New York City Doormen. This story is about a doorman named Adrian. Disheveled oafish,overweight with protruding frizzled hair Adrian is looking for a bride of his dreams through a catalog to satisfy his need for female companionship. Adjunct with filmmaker Andrew who will handle the cost in order to get his documentary off the ground filming the entire start to finish love story as our homely Adrian orders a bride from a catalog of Asian beauties. Enter our male order wife direct from Myanmar Lichi (Eugenia Yuan) who is greeted at the customs area at the airport walking like a lost little lamb in the field with a dimwitted smirk as she gives the impression she doesn't know a thing. To add to the physicality of this newly arranged couple The hefty Adrian and the slender,scrawny Lichi not exactly a perfect fit. Next over to the Justice Of the Peace for the informal wedding ceremony as their pronounced Husband and Wife Mail Order Style. Then quickly off to Adrian's residence in his over sized Buick to City line section of New York with a house that resembles Archie Bunkers's. No romance, no wedding cake and no time for loving. Adrian has a honey to do list waiting for poor Lichi starting with meeting his family member called Chipwitch a snake which he keeps in a tank in his basement. Off to the kitchen as he teaches her the art of fine dining with his ever popular chili recipe adding extra ketchup for flavor. Next off to the bathroom not for a romantic bubble bath but to scrub the toilet his way. Poor Lichi. Andrew our College hipster is appalled by her circumstance and plight as he plays Sir Galahad and takes it upon himself to rescue her from the drudgery of the unpolished Adrian. Andrew brings Lichi into his white liberal sophisticated world as our story takes off in a different direction ending up with a Senior citizen and a boat ride from ex major leaguer Jose Conseco in a daring Dragnet that has a twisted but humorous ending. Sometimes the rules of little fish getting eaten by medium fish and then by large fish don't apply in this movie as you wonder who is really in control. This Mockumentry had me laughing as you learn that love and romance has to be earned. No quick fix that you can get out of a catalog or the internet. Felicitations and compliments for Writer and Director Huck Botko and Andrew Gurland for thinking out of the box in this unique filming adventure. Remember all's fair in love and the cinema. A lesson to be learned for any one who wants a quick fix in solidarity.
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