Great tribute to the past with some surprises
16 February 2017
A funny little throwback movie to the 60's version of Batman. It feels just like an episode from the show. Although it does has a few surprises along the road.

It includes everything you come to expect from the campy fight scenes to the puns. Adam West does sound old and it can be distracting, but there's not much you can do about that. It's nice to hear him have fun reprising the role though and it is a great tribute to him, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar. It would not have been the same without their involvement. The movie switches gears half way through and what happens after that point actually surprised me. They pay tribute and celebrate everything about the 60's Batman, but at the same time they introduced something new and different. I enjoyed that twist because it showed some development with the characters. Catwoman was another surprise addition. She is given a lot to do and she becomes more than just a stock villain. She is an important part of the story. I did feel a little bad for the villains at a part too. They were given a few sympathetic moments.

As a whole I'd say that if you enjoy the campy Batman and are a fan, then you'll have a great time with it. This is definitely not something everyone will get. I did have fun and laughed along the ride, so yes, it was pretty funny. And all the surprise character development moments were really welcomed.
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