It's the end of the world once again with Cirio H. Santiago
31 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
2021. Women have become enslaved by a savage army of men after the world gets reduced to a barbarous state in the wake of a nuclear holocaust. It's up to a group of nomadic female warriors called the Sisterhood to set things right.

Director Cirio H. Santiago keeps the enjoyable story moving along at a steady pace, stages the rough'n'tumble action scenes with scrappy aplomb, maintains a gritty tone throughout, makes nice use of the desolate desert locations, blows lots of stuff up real good (of course!), and sprinkles in a little tasty gratuitous distaff nudity for extra trashy good measure. Moreover, the women are attractive and impressive: Rebecca Holden as the feisty Alee, Lynn-Holly Johnson as sweet and perky teenager Marya, and Barbara Patrick as the fierce Vera. Chuck Wagner lends sturdy support as the formidable Mikal while Robert Dryer contributes a nicely slimy turn as the ruthless Lord Barak. Thomas McKelvey Cheever's compact script draws the characters with some depth and humanity. Both the tacky (not so) special effects and Jun Latonia's cheesy synthesizer score possess a certain lovably rinky-dink charm. A fun B-flick.
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