The Take (2007)
Some Strong Elements but Mostly Stupid
4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off well without too much BS about family and other stuff we don't care about in a crime thriller, or whatever this was meant to be. It looks real enough, like what a family in this economic situation would look like, something Hollywood never, ever seems to get right. In the big Hollywood version the family would be living like something out of the Brady Bunch.

The heist gets ugly and he gets shot in the head. Before you know it he's driving a car and feuding with his wife. Way, way too much "acting" and emotion. Here's my two cents on film making. If something bad happens to someone let's just take it for granted that the loved ones are going to take it bad so there's absolutely no need to show this "anguish" on camera with lots of crap like someone screaming "NNNNOOOOOOOOO!" or whatever.

The dude can't distinguish triangles from circles but before you can say "brain trauma" he's driving a car and then becomes a super-sleuth, like with CIA electronic skills.

Kind of stupid. And then it devolves into a Chinese Downhill (crap storm) and a foot chase with a couple bodies left in the wake including a cop. The only saving grace is that the criminal is arrested and not shot to hell in the end—something that almost never happens in crime dramas. I defy you to name a crime drama where they arrest the perp in the end.
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