The Wild Life (2016)
Terrible terrible movie!
28 November 2016
Holy crap. I feel like I just sat through torture!!! This movie is terrible! There is almost nothing redeeming about this movie!

Pros. Good animation The 2 main characters are good enough. They have some good character development....... Waddaya waiting for! Oh you want more pros well I don't have any more so maybe you should just move along to the cons section! Cons. You know how I said the 2 main characters are good. Yeah well the rest of the characters have NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WHATSOEVER! You just don't care about them at all! I also hated how everything was explained to you like your some kinda! I don't know 4 year old! It's that bad! The story Is so cliché and stupid!!! I hate the story It makes no sense and there are some huge plot holes in this movie! I don't mean little holes I mean BIG BULGING HOLES IN THE PLOT BARELY LEAVING ANY PLOT LEFT AT ALL! And the humor in this movie is horrendous! The only type of reaction I got out of the humor was maybe a grin every now and then. A very very very small grin that lasts 2 seconds. So overall The Wild Life is probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life I absolutely hate it I definitely don't recommend you watch it ever and It's incredibly bad. The Wild Life gets an F
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