Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
good but loud
16 November 2016
I can safely say I'm glad I saw this film for the truly remarkable and awe-inspiring underlying story. However, it was extremely loud and gory in the battle scenes. I had to cover my ears and look down several times. But the humanitarianism of the central figure and how he came to influence and change the minds of his fellow soldiers was remarkable. I believe both the film and Andrew Garfield deserve Academy Awards. The cinematography of the rural scenes was very good but I was simply astounded during the battle scenes. They were so realistic that many folks in the theater were exclaiming and jumping every few seconds. I was caught up and fearful and often shed tears. It was a very emotional experience for me both in sadness and joy. It truly told a story of the horror of war and one man's effort to help no matter what. I was very moved and inspired to spread peace on earth in whatever way I can as an individual.
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