Interesting but not very original
12 November 2016
"Whistle Blower" is the typical movie about journalists trying to find the truth while all the powers to be try to stop the truth from coming to light.

Based on a true story (you know, that thing that just means there is some relation to reality in the fiction we are seeing), Yoon is a news producer who gets some tip about the shady business a fertility clinic has. To his surprise, the clinic seems to be related to the most famous and respected scientist of the country, Lee. Yoon will try to find the truth with the help of a, well, the title of the movie says it: whistle blower.

The plot development is not very original with only a couple of surprises or touching moments along the way. The pace suffers in some moments, and the movie would need a faster rhythm in many of its parts. The acting, on the other hand is good enough, and all the actors feel relatable, from the ones that seem to be trying to find the truth, to Lee Geung-young's scientist Lee.

In the end, the movie ends being not particularly engaging. But the story of people trying to find the truth and fighting against the structural violence of society is nice and interesting enough to be worth the viewer's time.
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