Caranfil is back!
23 October 2016
After directing some of the funniest (well, in my opinion) Romanian comedies, Nae Caranfil seemed like he had somewhat lost the plot after the great "Filantropica". "Restul e tăcere" was still funny and subtle, but a bit too long and at times losing steam. I never got "Closer to the Moon" - unconvincing story, easily my least favorite film of his. But this one's definitely a winner!

"6.9 pe scara Richter" is far removed from new Romanian wave movies. It's got a great story, it's part musical (with the actors all singing their parts, or so claims the director), it's got great humor - it got many laughs at the screening I was at. It goes back to the director's roots a bit - some of the characters, including the lead, are theater actors, just like in "E pericoloso sporgersi", his first movie. Even actor pranks make a comeback.

It's probably lighter on the social commentary compared to "Filantropica" or "Asfalt Tango", while focusing more on personal themes. But still, there's plenty to enjoy here.
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