Low budget affair
5 May 2016
This may have some people you have heard of, if you are an avid movie fan (like Steven Bauer to name but one), but it's very poorly made. I do wonder sometimes if people are not better off watching UFC (the real thing) instead. But this also has some back-story, ill son and wife and a brother and ... Well you get the point, there is drama. Not to mention really evil people.

So will our main hero be able to withstand all odds? Will the women all be able to cover their naked bodies so the viewer won't see their nipples? Because you realize, that while violence is OK in US movies, under no circumstances should you show a nipple. But apart from that odd fact, the movie is predictable in other regards too. Acting isn't really a strong point, but it does touch some bases of human emotion, so it's not the worst thing ever. It is what it is ...
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