Sleepy Hollow (2013–2017)
Holy Hell This Show Has Gotten Bad
20 March 2016
The first season was surprisingly great. I thought with such a premise as this, it would undoubtedly be a trainwreck, but i was pleasantly surprised, i even felt the need to tell people how good it was after watching that epic season 1 finale. However it has only gone downhill from there to the point where after just 2 seasons it is a steaming pile of crap that i am no longer emotionally invested in. It started out as one of the few genuinely scary shows on TV, with its depictions of moloch and purgatory as the especially thrilling and well done parts. However it seems that over time, the talented crew of writers and animators that made the first season so great have been replaced by rank amateurs, and what was once poignant and well done is now campy and cringeworthy. Even the VFX are just... bad. Like at points almost scorpion king level bad. Pandora and the hidden one are the worst thing this show has ever done, and that includes that weird turning Ichabods witch fiancé evil for no apparent reason thing. And they celebrate it, as if the weird stupid shît they have done since their first season is something to be proud of. Like speaking to the hologram of thomas jefferson while doing a completely unnecessary nonsense crossover with bones, of all things. Why on earth would you want to remind people of that godawful mess? Let alone treat it like its one of your selling points?

I have a suggestion for any viewer. Watch the show until John Noble leaves. Then stop watching there, so the entire show is not ruined forever.
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