Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015 TV Movie)
Mediocrity, celebrity culture and product placement masquerading as "tongue in cheek"
8 March 2016
I'm a fan of bad movies, the kind you'll find being made fun of on MST3K. This is a different kettle of fish. Maybe i'm too cynical, and i'm also not a fan of reality TV and celeb culture, but this is the lowest base "entertainment" you'll find next to Big Brother or Geordie Shore. If you're fond of countless cameos by z-list celebrities and hour long adverts for Universal Studios and Subway, this is your film. It's pretty pointless to tear into the bad acting, story, script, etc, because that's what the makers of this were going for. It's a cheap film, made for people who browse on their phones while its on. A reflection of the sad times we live in. If, and i hope this counts for most of you, you're sick of the lazy, mediocre films being shovelled out by Hollywood (i'm looking at you Transformers 4, Furious 7, Jurassic World) then skip this, maybe send a message to the production companies that we'd like to be entertained and not insulted.
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