why she's back I'll never know.
19 February 2016
"She's Back on Broadway" stars Virginia Mayo, Steve Cochran, Frank Lovejoy, Gene Nelson, and Patrice Wymore.

Mayo is movie star Catherine Terris in a bad career slump, when her agent (Larry Keating) receives an offer for her to star in a Broadway show. Unfortunately, the director of the show is her ex-beau, Gordon Evans (Steve Cochran) - he's bitter and angry with her and makes her life a living hell in the show. She quits in anger, but agrees to go back.

Where to begin with this...well, there was some wonderful dancing by Gene Nelson and by Patrice Wymore. Mayo is lovely, with a beautiful figure, and as an actress, she was fine. Her singing is dubbed by Bonnie Williams. Cochran was so handsome, but as someone pointed out, he had the personality of a tough character actor and the looks of a lead, so he never received the recognition he deserved. Plus he died at 48 years old.

Whenever you know something about a profession and see it portrayed in a movie, there will always be complaints. For the dance auditions, people wore regular clothes and each person came forward and danced whatever routine they wanted to whatever music.

No one ever chose a dance chorus like that - first of all, there's a certain look they're going for; and secondly, everyone wears dance outfits; third, you divide the dancers into groups and give each group the same specific choreography, then weed people out.

Also, you don't hand an unknown a lead on the basis of eight bars and half a script page.

The show itself was awful.

So she's back on Broadway - for her own good, she should have stayed in Hollywood.
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