Lazer Team (2015)
28 January 2016
I want to start out by saying I am a 45 year old man. This is just my way of saying I don't get my music off You tube nor do I subscribe to twitch for my entertainment. So I should be one of the last people that this films comedy reaches.

However here is the rub: this film was funnier than most comedies of the past Decade. I laughed more during the silly humor of this than at the entire combination of the Anchorman sequel/Dumb Dumber 2/or anything that Rogan has made in the past 5 years.

This film was just fun. I assume that this is in part because I wasn't expecting much. But the plot worked way better than a similar plot that was poised to be a Summer 2015 Blockbuster (PIXELS). This team seemed to genuinely have fun, unlike Sandler and his grumpy little nemesis. As a result I had fun right along with them.

So I guess my hats off to a Team that has a community behind it; and a bright future in front of it.
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