Squalid, pointless, and totally unrealistic
27 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a mystery movie. Morvern Callar's boyfriend has just committed suicide at the start of the film. No reason is initially given as to why a handsome and talented young writer should do this, and the remainder of the movie is dedicated to explaining why he has done so, using the "show, not tell" method.

After the first hour in Morvern's company, I was already losing the will to live. I perked up a bit when there was the hope that she might be gored to death during the running of the bulls, but this came to nothing. If I felt that way after an hour or so, no wonder her boyfriend topped himself. He had to put up with the retarded sociopath 24/7.

Morton is a competent actress, but she has appeared in some real dross. This one takes the cake.

To be fair, the musical soundtrack is not at the same level of competence as the rest of the film. It is worse.
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