King Frat (1979)
Time Capsule Movie
31 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "King Frat" in a drive-in when it came out, passing around a bottle of bourbon around the car, as I saw my first bare breasts in the cinema (they were rarer than they are today; no internet or DTV). And fine breasts they were. The best two things about the movie.

Otherwise, this Animal-House ripoff is one of the shoddiest pieces of trash I ever sat through. It might have been an early Farrelly Bros. movie, all the scatological and disgusting jokes are there. All they left out are the punch lines. Nothing is really very funny. And since it's ripped right out of "Animal House" every plot twist is telegraphed.

However, it has one virtue. I started college the year this flick was released, so I had a particular interest in seeing it. And while I did not think it was very realistic in 1979, I know now just how true to life it was. Back then you could pretty much say or do anything. You could dress up in the costumes of other cultures for an evening's good time without raising eyebrows or having your party canceled. You could make scatological jokes, even make a nerf-style version of male genitalia pop up in a girl's hand unexpectedly, and she would think it was funny and not have you arrested, kicked out of school, and brought up on charges.

So long as you didn't actually hurt anyone (back when I was in college, "rape" meant actually inappropriately touching someone, so you kept your hands--and everything else--to yourself) you were considered free and equal. We didn't have "free speech zones" where children (as I was then and as college kids are now) whose ideals disagreed with the powers-that-be had to go to express themselves (say, by the Constitution, isn't the whole country supposed to be a free-speech zone?) Persons didn't get their panties in a wad by off-color jokes; or if they did they were dismissed as prudes and blue-noses.

I revisited this movie recently, and while the breasts are every inch as good as I remembered, the rest of the movie unfortunately stank as much as I recalled. Without my having one iota of nostalgia for the movie per se, it took me back to the days when campus life, shortly after it introduced co-ed dorms and relaxed its tightly-wound restrictions, was freewheeling; and not a mine-field where a premature kiss or a word that MIGHT somehow be construed as sexist or racist by neo-Inquisitors who fork through every sentence to find such things, can get you canned or jugged.

Though worth watching for nothing else, "King Frat" at least gives you a snapshot of a time before newfangled fuddy-duddiness took over campuses with strict speech and behavioral straight jackets.
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