5 August 2015
I decided to see this film many years ago after it received two thumbs up on the first Ebert- Siskel movie review show. I have always enjoyed conversation and watching the two men here share experiences from different orientations and life experiences kept my attention from beginning to end. The men are polar opposites. One is quite rich and has travelled the world, not just observing but participating. As we pass through his experiences (he does most of the talking) we begin to feel an emptiness, a kind of sadness in him. It's as if he thought there were answers out there that would meet his expectations and they never materialized. Wallace Shawn, a man of great accomplishment in his own right, is the frumpy guy who approaches life in a practical, realistic way. He is the perfect foil and yet his fragility is there on his sleeve. He speaks for us, the viewers, while marveling at the stories his friend tells. He hearkens to his own existence which, while not earth shattering, is one of groundedness. I may need to watch this again soon.
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