Review of Survivor

Survivor (I) (2015)
Exciting action
27 July 2015
In the intro, two US chopper pilots are taken captive in Afghanistan. Presumably both are burned alive.

Kate is a star in the intelligence community. She ends up getting a post at the American embassy in London. Because there was some event at an airport involving a scientist, she wants all visa-applicants who have a science background to be flagged. That day, one such scientist shows up for a visa. She wants to check his background further. Another agent, Bill, who runs that section at the embassy is willing to give this guy the visa. Sure enough, the scientist is up to no good. He meets with a bad guy and tells him about Kate. The bad guy offers to take care of her. There's a trouble at the embassy because the scientist also has connections at the English government and they talk to the US ambassador. But Kate sticks to her guns.

Next day, when the embassy staff goes to a restaurant a bomb explodes killing all of them. Luckily Kate went to buy a gift across the street and survives. When she stumbles onto the scene she runs into another bad guy, the one who build the bomb. He is ready to kill her, but she manages to escape. The British authorities are now also after her, thinking she's responsible--diplomatic immunity be damned. But so is Sam, her mentor, who is looking to help her. She goes to a safe extraction zone and runs into Bill who is ready to kill her but in the scuffle he ends up dead. Now the bombmaker, Sam, and the Brits are after her.

We learn more about the plans of the bombmaker and the scientist which will involve an operation in New York. So not only does Kate have to escape from all the bad guys, she has to stop this terrorist attack at the same time. She works with a friend inside the embassy and manages to make it to New York in time for New Year's when the bad guys plan to carry out their attack. And eventually we do learn what the intro has to do with anything.

Survivor has a great cast and a good story even though it's not entirely believable. It's fast-paced and has plenty of action. The poor score and negative reviews here make no sense. As mentioned, things are less than believable, but so what? It's not a documentary and the purpose is to advance an exciting story. There's a bit of political intrigue which is always interesting and provocative. What if a bad guy who knows someone who knows someone in high places had some bad intentions? Could the entire system designed to cater to the rich, powerful, and famous, the VIPs, allow for something like this to happen?
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