Amazing Stories: Fine Tuning (1985)
Season 1, Episode 7
At times cute but pretty much pointless and annoying as well.
22 June 2015
This episode is yet another reason to dislike "Amazing Stories"--an anthology series that could be quite good but often (especially in the early episodes) just sucked. This is because the writer came up with an idea and just didn't know what to do with it. That combined with some annoying people make this one a chore to complete.

Some teenager makes an antennae for his TV and is able to pick up alien TV shows. The aliens, it seems, are in love with human TV and the teen and his friends learn that they're planning on visiting Hollywood. So, the boys go there and find the ultra-weird aliens and show them about town. Later, the boys help the aliens find talent to take back to their planet by signing a bunch of annoying no-talents to go with the aliens.

The idea of nice aliens coming is okay, though seems obviously geared to kids. Adults would probably soon tire of their antics. This combined with no real purpose make this episode a tough one to endure. Yuck.
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