Not bad once I got into it.
24 April 2015
The audio wasn't always that good, especially in the beginning and it was difficult to understand what Pug was saying. But as I hung in there either the audio improved or I grew accustomed to his speech or both.

From some of the reviews the hatred and disdain are apparent but the fact of the matter is that this is documentary offering a slice of 'another' culture, and whether one likes it or not, that 'is' their culture that has been imposed upon them for various reasons be they political, social, or economic. So the film is showing how Pug and his family live and not how the viewers may wish that they lived.

Superficially Coco is a lousy mother and yet it made perfect sense that she was because she's doing the best she can with what she has available. She'd been a stripper ("exotic dancer") in her youth which meant someone had failed to get through to her the importance of education. So she capitalized on the only thing she 'thought' she had going for her. Now she's older and interested in health care and enrolls in a course to help get a job and seemed to do pretty well learning CPR which only went to show she'd lacked proper direction in her youth. Unfortunately the cycle continues with Pug because her cursing is basically the limit of her vocabulary and merely her frustration at her inability to effectively convey the importance of education to Pug - because she regrets the mistakes of her life and clearly sees the dangerous route he's about to embark upon.

Pug stated at least one teacher disliked him,and having experienced instances when teachers disliked me and I was wrongfully punished for things I hadn't done, I can understand the attractiveness of the freedom and notoriety of being a 12 O'clock Boy to a young boy compared with schooling. Sadly however his youth blinds him to the broader picture.

Nice little twist for an ending. After he'd successfully stolen back his bike, being in the van gave meaning to the reason he was in the van in the opening scene. I wonder what Pug and Coco think about Baltimmore being currently in the news because of the "Knockas"?
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