Review of W.M.D.

W.M.D. (2013)
W.M.D. - Find it. Watch it.
18 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
W.M.D. is a fast moving, engaging, satirical commentary on politics, main stream media and the purpose of modern warfare. As the The President says, 'More fun than a Texas rodeo'.

Stand out performances from Tom Kiesche, in a strong, honest offering as the sarcastic, focused, ringleader Captain Garrison. Weetus Cren, compelling as Sergeant Downy, the somehow delightful future spree killer, and John Posey, showing glimpses of inner turmoil as the President of the United States - not allowing the audience to either hate him or sympathize with him completely.

Director, Richard Halpern keeps the setting intimate and well timed without feeling claustrophobic. Yet, still maintaining an awareness of how this small action may be reverberating in the outside world. Even in the exterior scenes we're kept close and part of the inner circle.

Well thought out, funny (listen for a subtle reference to 'Grumpy Cat')and detailed script (Halpern, Mike Le, Ian Truitner). Prepare for an unexpected twist somewhere along the way.

Lots of foul language and plenty of cringe worthy violence. Yet W.M.D. finds a way to not have it seem over done or gratuitous.

Allow the movie to make you ponder the lies, or the truths, depending on your politics, that you've been told. Remember to watch until the last second, even through the credits, as the story continues. Not all all fiction.
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