Gallipoli (2015)
Falls just short of being a very good mini-series (mainly by the inclusion of a distracting side-story)
11 March 2015
Overall I thought Gallipoli was a top-notch mini-series with high production value, but held back by a few unnecessarily flaws...

The major flaw being the very distracting back-story of Tolly & Bevan (the main characters/ brothers in the series) ... and the girlfriend back home. The way this side story is woven into the series unfortunately makes it seem to be far more defining to the main character... than the war itself.

A somewhat slow paced production like Gallipoli can work if it ends up carrying the sort of gravitas it was aiming for (and that the story deserves). With a few changes this could have been accomplished, but fell completely short due to the girlfriend back-story.

With a better choice of "side-stories" and a few casting changes, this could have been in the major leagues ... but ultimately is just a very good minor league series.

Worth watching, but not as great as it could have been!
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