Very boring western
30 October 2014
It came as no surprise when I came to this web site right after watching "Shoot Out at Big Sag" to find out that it was originally made as a television pilot. The short running time is a big clue, but also the fact that it has a very television feel to the entire enterprise, such as the cheap-looking sets. But those facts didn't bother me anywhere as much as the real problem I had with the movie, which is that it's just so gosh-darn dull. The title promises a lot of action, but there's virtually no action until the final few minutes, and it's not worth the wait. It's just talk talk talk for the most part, none of it the least bit engaging. It's hard to believe that long time actor Walter Brennan agreed to appear in this dud... though he probably did it as a favor to his son, who was one of the producers.
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