Dead Within (2014)
Finally, another intelligent horror flick!
20 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The person who wrote the review before me was right - this is not a zombie flick. This is a film about a woman struggling with her own sanity. If you like being spoon fed your stories, then go watch Scary Movie or some other teen slasher. Any writer than can keep you in suspense using only one or two characters and no real, visible threat is a true talent, indeed!

I would liken this more to Pontypool than Evil Dead. Blood, guts and rotten zombies are not only UNscary, they are also over done.

I do, however, wish that more questions were answered at the end (eg: What was up with Ranger Mark?" and that we were left with a more unique twist at the end (it was very generic).

Other than that, I was biting my nails almost through the entire thing, well done.

The rest of you are idiots.
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