Review of Manhunt

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
It's Always Disappointing When Mom Shows Up!
12 August 2014
I know that comic relief is often needed in a series such as this. But, for me, the appearance of Lwaxana Troi is a bit much. Her character is insufferable as she blusters her way around the ship, making precious comments, teasing Picard. If you remember the Joanne Worley character from Rowan and Martin's Laugh In, she has a similar personality. In this one she is going through Betazoid menopause and is searching for a mate. Picard is her first choice, but as she goes along, it appears that anything with two legs will do. She even looks askance at Wesley, but, thank god, that plot line doesn't develop. She focuses on Riker and even Worf. Meanwhile, there is subplot as Picard hides in the holodeck, playing a guy named Dix who is a Humphrey Bogart prototype private eye. The crew tries to cover for him as Lwaxana makes her merry way around the ship. The other event going on is the arrival of a couple of "frozen fish" who will be thawed out when they reach the planet where a conference is taking place. The look like that shrimp in the Muppet movies. This is a real throwaway episode and shows my prejudices. Keep that woman off the ship!
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