Home Sweet Home (VII) (2012)
12 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not many low-end reviews for this shoulda-avoided-it excuse for a movie. It's amazing that someone gave anyone enough money to actually get this stinker off the ground and into Redboxes or mom n' pop last chance DVD rentals at the gas station off an unnamed highway you'll never go near.

Suffice it to say, this is yet another in the "home invasion" genre, where super crazy psychopaths prance around their victims and eat candy (just like Norman Bates) while sexing it up when they're not busy intimidating or killing anyone, just because they want to, see? Here we have two ridiculous psychos, a blonde ditz who loves her candy, and her horndog boyfriend. They rob convenience stores and slobber all over each other when crime isn't being committed. Evidently the horndog is dumber than a box of doorknobs since his cutesy blonde galpal is the brains of the outfit. That's about all the info we have on these two, so let's take a look at the victim.

Naturally, it's a woman with drinking and financial issues. She's isolated herself at the desert home of her now deceased parents because she's a loser who got evicted and has nowhere else to go. Convenient for the nutjobs, who run into this alcoholic mess at a Stop N' Shop where the blonde honey decides to have some fun with this stupid woman, who spills her whereabouts less than 20 seconds after encountering Candygirl. Victim goes to isolated location. Victim drinks a lot. Victim takes a bath and answers the door when the nutjobs show up. She's dressed in a towel, all the lights are on which makes it easy to see inside, and she doesn't do a damn thing to protect herself. Yeah, she has a gun but that means nada in a movie like this. Nutjobs get in (we've already been told the nutjobs have been there before because Candygirl like, has a bitchin' evil smiley face on the soles of her go-go boots leaving happy evil smileys on the floor), Candygirl drugs Victim's wine, mayhem ensues.

Everyone is this mess is stupid. Both nutjobs are marginally intellectually challenged, but Candygirl has a slight edge. Victim just sort of runs around and eventually pulls a Hansel and Gretel move on Candygirl by shoving her into a storage closet, trapping Candygirl and waiting for help to arrive. Horndog is already dead because after Victim chopped off his fingers with an axe (that she immediately drops out the window, boo hoo), Horndog has fallen out of said window (ouch) and begs his honey to take him to the hospital. Candygirl kills Horndog for no apparent reason. Help arrives, Candygirl is hustled out in restraints by one sorta lawman who immediately puts sexy ditz in the front seat. Victim then drives off in the nutjob's truck for no apparent reason (bye bye), and Candygirl must be giving some favors in the lawman's vehicle because it stops moving and just sits in the road. Credits roll while a terrible country ballad whines. The end.

Three stars for Horndog's chopped off digits and his sad death at the end of Candygirl's gun. If you fast forward this stupidity, it only takes about 15-20 minutes out of your life, which is more than enough.
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